Driven by a lifelong passion for sports and pop culture, my journey with writing began in my teenage years. After returning from football matches my dad took me to, I would spend hours writing and analysing what I had witnessed, on and around the field.
My first project – my Charmander, if I were to make a Pokémon metaphor – was a blog called FOOTBALL INTEGRAL. This naturally evolved into freelance journalism, where I launched my own sports writing agency, Boxing Day Media – my Charmeleon.
Following my writing career, a Master’s in Sports Management, and nearly five years as a strategy consultant for high-profile sports and media organizations at leading firms PwC and Altman Solon, I founded Game Plan Media – a platform that merges my industry expertise with my passion for writing. My Charizard?
I believe the disruption reshaping sports, media, and entertainment has never been greater, impacting the entire value chain from IP owners to content distributors. As the industry navigates an increasingly complex landscape, torn between audience fragmentation and platform consolidation, a new growth narrative is emerging – fuelled by innovative business models, advancing technology, and bold strategies. From live events to scripted entertainment, all sports and entertainment businesses have the opportunity to embrace these forces in pursuit of their ultimate goal: to remain culturally relevant.
Through blog posts, case studies, journalistic contributions, and speaking engagements, I created Game Plan Media as an authoritative platform to observe and decode these phenomena.
As a contributor (selection)
- Bilan: Le «fantasy sport» à la croisée des chemins
- Le Monde: Le coronavirus accélère la mutation du sport spectacle
- Bilan: Le métavers propulse les fans de sport au cœur de l’action
- Le Temps: En 2031, le sport dont vous êtes le héros
- Le Matin Dimanche: FIFA+, la première brique d’un futur écosystème
- Ouest France: QUEL FOOT DEMAIN ? | Football. Privé de tribunes, le public cherche sa place
- Le Matin Dimanche: A l’avenir, les géants du sport seront leur propre média
- Quelle évolution pour les droits TV de la Swiss Football League ?
As an author (selection)
- Altman Solon: Altman Solon Global Sports Survey 2023
- PwC: PwC Sports Survey 2021 (editorial co-lead)
- PwC: PwC Sports Survey 2020 (editorial co-lead)
- Olympic World Library: The reshaping of the media sports content ecosystem: media companies and the increasing role of OTT streaming platforms
- Le Temps: Le fan moderne, ce révolutionnaire | A Paris, le football se la joue pointu | Aux Etats-Unis, le football européen se vend façon Super Bowl | Comment Red Bull est devenu un média sportif qui compte
- L’Equipe: Boxing Day : plongée à Everton, au coeur du foot anglais
- Le Matin Dimanche: Soccer/New York: un beau mirage | Liverpool et Manchester renaissent grâce au foot
- Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne): Sport business: les marques et le branded content
- Une carrosserie rouge avec un moteur de l’Est
- Best Research Paper Award: The increasing role of OTT streaming platforms within the sports media ecosystem; awarded prize for best Master research paper at AISTS (International Academy of Sport Science and Technology); published by the Olympic World Library
- Best Bachelor Thesis in Marketing Award: Focused on TAG Heuer’s football sponsorship strategy, awarded the prize for the best bachelor thesis in Marketing from University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO)